Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Preaching tonight

So tonight I get my first shot at preaching here this round through Mexico. I'll be speaking through a translator (Charlie, Assoc. Pastor). I'm hoping it goes well. It can be pretty tough speaking with a translator until you get used to it.

We went out today and have been taking some pics and videos for a little video presentation for my upcoming deputation trips back to Canada. I borrowed a digital camera from a friend that has decent video with audio on it. I hope to get enough footage that makes sense together to give folks back home a chance to see what's up here.

Speaking of back home, I'm coming back for 2 weeks to Southern Ontario from October 11-24th and then to Saskatchewan from Oct. 31 - Nov 14th. We just got phone and internet up and going and I'm hoping to get some appointments in Ontario especially with churches, home groups, families etc to give an opportunity to hear about missions and see who God has called to be our partners in ministry. If you can help by setting up a home group meeting or a church one, we'd be appreciative! I have some possibilities in Saskatchewan for those 2 weeks, but Ontario is pretty free as of yet. We didn't get a chance to connect with some folks we know from Wasaga Beach area and some of my relatives last time we went back, that I'd like to this time... Lord willing!

Could you be praying for Sharlene during that time? She still hasn't gotten enough nerve to drive here yet (it's pretty whacky at times- and it's tough to find your way around...and she has a greater than normal tendency to get misplaced...) and her language acquisition has been pretty slow. I'm going to be talking to a fellow tonight about tutoring us some, but just getting by here without Spanish will be tough here for Shar without me ( I speak a bit more and can fake my way through some things...). Thanks!

We are possibly looking at a language school in Ensenada for 1 week for Shar before I go so she can get immersed and hopefully get to a point where she c an get by. Please pray for the finances to come through and any other logistics needed to work out.

Thanks for reading, not much new stuff happening in out lives, we are settling into some routines just in time to get them disturbed with me being gone for some time!

Until next time,

Mike, Shar and boys.

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