Friday, September 22, 2006

Where Did The Spider legs Go?

Yesterday afternoon Shar found a large black spider in our bedroom while I was out. She did the right thing and stomped on it until it was nothing more than a smear on the concrete floor. Surprisingly enough, after she did that, the legs kept moving, even though separated from the spiders body!

She was not nearly as impressed with that then I would have been, so she left the room. An hour or so later she went back to see it and to show me. The spider legs, however, were missing! Moments later we found them again, mysteriously moving along our kitchen wall. The ants were "harvesting" them and taking them back to their home (which may be closer to us than we want to know...). After getting a little creeped out we went to the circus. It was the first time any of our kids had been to one. The kids loved it even though there were no lions, tigers, elephants trapeeze artist or really even clowns. They and the 30+ other people under the big top enjoyed the horses (a big one and a mini-horse) the llama and the circus goats! These coupled with the man powered pulley that lifted the acrobat belly dancers up into the air, was really too much to describe. It brought tears to my eyes!

Our little home is too small for a washing machine and there is no hook-up outside for one (which is where most people here put them if they have them) so we go to the lavamatica to do ours. I went yesterday (while Shar was spider-hunting) and had a good opportunity to share Jesus with the lady at the counter and her husband. She spoke very good English and translated for her husband. They were asking about some folks they know who go to church and are very separate from everybody else around them- no TV, no radio, no school for the kids, they keep to themselves and avoid most contact with others not of their kind. They wanted to know if that was what Christianity was about. So I talked to them about the freedom that Jesus gives us and how He was involved in the community with people as the Light Of The World. It didn't go too deep at first, but they are interested and I'm looking forward to more opportunities to share Jesus with them!

I'm glad for the opportunity to share even before we know the language. It is obvious that God is at work here with folks searching for meaning and searching for Jesus- they want more than a religion, they want to experience Jesus. Please continue to pray that we'll continue to have these opportunities as we learn Spanish!

Until next time,

Mike and Shar

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