Tuesday, September 12, 2006

God is Good

I know when we told people we were selling or giving away the majority of our stuff, that folks were thinking that was a bit strange. Some of the folks we spoke to would say "You mean you're gonna have to start all over again?". We just kept thinking that God would take care of us, and that He was our providor and that the acquisition of more stuff was not the goal of our lives.

Well on Thursday I am going over to the States because 2 or 3 entire households of furniture has been donated to YUGO Ministries. So we are loading up a trailer and a van with beds, fridge, stove, dressers, pots and pans, a TV and stand, dressers and whatever else we need to live relatively comfortably!

God is Good!

Thanks for praying for us! God is answering your prayers in abundant ways!

Friday we move in and hopefully soon afterwards (or before!) we'll have a phone and internet connection too! After that I'm going to print out our newsletters and send those off...

A couple of dates for you to be aware of, praying for and (for those who are willing and able) to help with!

October 11-24 Mike will be in Ontario- primarily around the Barrie, Wasaga Beach area. this trip is for vision sharing and support raising. I will be staying at my mom's place on her couch and borrowing her car when needed (Thanks mom!). I am looking for churches and / or home groups to share the vision with. If you have any means of getting a group together I'll have a short video and small presentation about the need and work in Mexico- no high pressure stuff, just asking folks to ask God if and how they can be involved.

October 31-Nov 15 I'll be in the Saskatoon area for the same reasons and with the same goals. I'll be needing a place to rest my weary head (friends I had planned on staying with moved to Manitoba!). I'll need to borrow a vehicle to get around in- possibly for long distance driving. I'll also need home groups / churches to share the vision with. I'd like to reconnect at our sending church, Martensville Baptist- so they have first priority, but I can be flexible for the rest of the time.

I will not use these meetings to pressure anyone into signing anything, or in getting involved- I'm just looking for God to show us who the partners are that he has called. I'll give info, try to make it interesting, and give opportunity to repond, but no pressure to do so.


Life is settling into a bit of a routine, but not one that will last. We find out wednesday if the kids can be registered in school here, we get our funrniture on Thursday and on Friday move in. After that we'll look for some ways to formally learn the language and get ourselves involved with folks in the community.

Thanks for your prayers and partnership! You are a blessing to us!

Until next time,

Mike and Shar


Karen said...

Hi, Mike and Sharlene,
It's good to hear how God is providing for your needs, and how overall you have kept your sense of humour through some trying circumstances! You're in our prayers.
Clint and Karen Langelaar

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike et all
I am at Glenda's for taco night and showed them this blog. They say hi and let you know that this area where you are, is very familiar to Glenda. she is home-sick for the south and the ocean.
the litle creatures she called sand crabs. She never ate them but imagines if you boil them like crabs and spit the shell after. Maybe wise to have someone who knows how to have you over for a meal first.
Have you heard about the whole lobster dinners at Rosarita Beach?
Apparently famous and fairly reasonable for lobster. Maybe for a special ocassion or ??
Gordon Bennet had his operation and with bone graft, pins etc. he is on the mend. Maybe several months before he can put any weight on it. Need much prayer as they were in the moving process and the land deal on their place has not finalized.
Glenda was wondering if you have gone into Tiajauna much? Particularily the vendor tacos on Revolution Blvd. It is down from the Burger King on the corner. Really good carne asada tacos. The carnitas is good too! Pretty safe as Glenda etc. have not gotten ill from them yet.
Prayers for now. \
