Friday, September 01, 2006

tacos, wrestlers and groceries.

Hola Amigos!

Today we needed to run some errands. So off we wnt to Rosarito to get groceries, have lunch and explore the downtown area. It's been a good day so far.

This morning started off a bit sour as we found out that our propane gas valve has a major leak. So after almost blowing us up, I turned it off and effectively shut down our fridge and our stove. So the question becomes now, how do we lead a normal life without a fridge and stove? We have a camp stove, but no LP gas to use with it. we'll have to go to the USA to get some of the small camp-size propane tanks- or get some sort of a st up so that we can use the large tanks with it. For now we have a huge coleman cooler ( the 5 day keep ice cold type- which actually works for 2-3 days) in which we put our meat and milk etc.

Speaking of meat and milk. We had a great time at the grocery store. It took us about 2 hours to buy $60.00 worth of groceries! Some of the items were the same brands as Canada, most were not. So we had to try to figure out what stuff was first before we could buy it! The one store we were in has a teortelleria- which makes tortillas. I stood there looking around the place ofr the tortillas for about 10 minutes...could not find one single tortilla in the place. so we sat back and watched as a lady came in to get some. She ligted up some blankets and presto! there were dozens of paper-wrapped tortillas, warm and waiting. So in I went for the taking and our first item was found! Halway through our excursion Caleb and Jacob had to "go pee". So I mustered up my best spanish to find out where the bathroom is- hoping for a grunt and a point. Unfortunately I got detailed directions outside the store - down the alley and in th back of something. So off we went- under the 4'5" tall tent that protects the shopping carts ( didn't know I could go around) around a corner and down the plaza to a large "BANOS" sign. Sweet relief.

Caleb found out he had more than pee to do and took some time. I gently reminded him that We wanted to get out of there before nightfall ( it was 1pm) and then to put the toilet paper in the wastebasket- not the toilet. Caleb replied- "Dad... there is no toilet paper... not even a roll thingy to put toilet paper on!! " I panicked for him, went outside the bano to find a young man with two stacks of 4pieces of serviettes. for3 pesos or 25 cents/stack. saved by a quarter! these folks will do anythign to make a living!

Downtown Rosarito the boys were overwhelmed at the sight of dozens of people hawking silver everything, earrings, wrestling masks, bracelets etc. etc. Yup... wrestling masks. Caleb and Jacob were really taken with a wrestling mask/cape and so each bought one with their garage sale/ birthday money... Wrestlers are big in Mexico- now 2 of the 3 boys are acculturated somewhat more now then yesterday...

Before shopping we had real genuine mexican carne asada tacos. There is just no substitute for a real taco. it is the perfect food.

So now we are at a fellow missionaries house, waiting for him to come home to see if he has another valve for the propane. But today is almost over and we'll need to find supper soon. Not sure where nor how!

(update-- he's back and we're having hamburguesas- hamburgers in Mexico!- he may also have a bar fridge for us coming tomorrow!! woohoo praise God!)

Pray for things to work out with our cooking and food strorage situation. It is slightly comforting to know that many misisonaries before us have had not dissimilar experiences. God is perhaps refining us somewhat.

Personally, I could use a bit of that.

Blessings to all- looking forward to seeing some of you down here sometime!

until next time...
Mike, shar, kids

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