Friday, September 07, 2007

Shar's Recovery

Thanks for praying!

Sharlene had a great surgery! The worst part, she says, was waiting around for a LONG time for the surgery to begin!

In pre-op they froze her from the belly button down and gave her a pretty pink pill that made her feel "a little loopy" during the surgery. She could hear things that were going on, but is pretty sure she slept for at least part of it. Near the end she had a brilliant question to ask the Doctor, yet all she could seem to get out of her mouth were unintelligible gurgle sounds. She even heard herself do it- and wondered why she couldn't talk, but was not too overly concerned.

From the wait time, to pre-op, to operation, to the time they took her out of post-op to her room was 3 hours.

Sharlene was staying at the Health Resource Center in Calgary. Today (Friday) she will be out of hospital and on her way to Ponoka, Alberta to stay with a nurse friend for a week. They let her out a couple days earlier than she expected, and so she needed to do some rearranging of transportation to Ponoka, but it all worked out- Praise God!

She does not particularly like the pain-killers she is on- they make her mind a little foggy and she finds it difficult to think or make decisions, so they will be cutting her down a bit- hopefully the pain will be bearable!

She feels absolutely none of the hip pain she has lived with for almost 10 years only muscle pain from the surgery! She is doing well, her excercises are going well and she has been walking around the hallways already!

Thanks again for praying!!

BTW, My mother arrived safely and in good shape. She was up at 2:30am EDT to catch the shuttle to the Toronto Airport and she just went to bed at about 9pm PDT - Midnite her time- so hopefully she'll be able to get some rest tomorrow.

We truly appreciate you, our partners!

PS- Please pray for our finances this month!! I am importing and insuring 2 cars (total cost about $1600.00) Shar bought her blood thinner today at a cost of almost $500 and she'll need to fly back once more for a check up at an additional cost of about $400... We were given some generous gifts that have helped cover the cost of our Summer Support raising endeavour and our initial costs of returning and we are trusting God that he will supply all of our needs these next 2 months!

God bless you- thanks for partnering with us!


1 comment:

Lisa Sawatzky said...

I went and saw her twice after her surgery. She's really doing well although the pain killers she's on also seem a bit like brain killers. The first day she kept commenting on how fuzzy her brain was but they reduced it the next day and I got to see her up and walking really well. It's so exciting to see your friends get better.