Thursday, September 27, 2007

Recent happenings

Most recently we've been having an enjoyable time...

My classes have taken off- we are 1/3 through the first course "Methods of Bible Study and Bible Interpretation". We have about 30-35 coming out (they have not all shown up on the same day yet and we've had a few new ones join-- maybe some others drop out- we'll find out for sure soon!!). So far the reviews seem to indicate that they enjoy it alot and are learning quite a bit- I'm glad to be a part of it!!

If you could pray for us, though. My translator's English is good, but Theological English is a little different and he's taking the class at the same time so he's trying to learn new things while trying to translate them into Spanish- we've had some struggles recently. One night we just weren't getting on the same page and so we took a break and I asked the people to pray that we'd communicate well. Well all 30 folks began to pray at once- loudly! We prayed together for about 10 minutes or more and as the sound began to quiet down, we started the class again. The rest went very well and they "Got it" at the end! Praise God!!

Sharlene is doing well- My mom went home last Monday and Shar is doing well. She is walking with a cane still and is better than she was pre-surgery, but still in pain and in need of rest almost every day.

Elijah had a birthday party last week. We had a bunch of people over and we had Carne Asada for lunch (Thin BBQ Steak tacos). It was a great time and I'll include some pictures.

We went to a $3.00 circus about a week ago- we were hoping for animals and got dogs and 1 tiger. The tiger was at the very end. Mostly it was people dancing around on stage. We won't go to another circus unless we see elephants and such out front... This one didn't even have circus goats.
Here are some pics...

Mickey Mouse and Ariel along with a bunch of dancing disney characters...

Circus tiger-- he was there for1 minute and then whisked away- after that they brought in another, slightly dopey tiger tied to a table with a standard dog chain. You could get your pic with the tiger for $10.00-- some people put their infant kids on the tigers back!

Circus dog being swung around

Elijah's 10th Birthday

lizards- 2 of 5 the boys caught today-- this big one about as long as the tip of my middle finger almost to my wrist...

Until Next time,

Mike for the family...

1 comment:

cookiehawk77 said...

Circus goats? I thought goats were dinner! Would that be like circus cows or circus chickens? I'm glad class is going well and Sharlene is recovering slowly. You're in my prayers!
A SparkPeople friend