Wednesday, September 19, 2007

class in session

Hey folks,

Just a short note with a report and prayer request...

1. Shar is back in Mexico now. She is doing very well!! She needs to get a couple hours of bedrest each afternoon, but is able to get around the house with only 1 crutch and she walks around the block with 2 crutches almost every day. She gets her staples out this week and is looking forward to increasing mobility and decreasing pain in the coming weeks and months.

2. My mom is still with us for 2 more weeks- she has been a great help and will continue to be while shes here. Shar's first day back she did too much (happy to be home again!!) and needed to rest alot the next day- so now she is learning to lean a bit on gramma!

3. Bible Training for Pastors and Leaders has been going for 1 week now. The first monday we had about 12 out- which was a bit discouraging, because we'd been aiming at 20 or so-- The next saturday we had quite a few brand new faces and we had about 18 out. Last Monday night we had 23 out and a few were missing from the other sessions. So we are maxed out at about 30 or so (I need to order more books). More than half seem to be pastors and/or spouses, and the rest are church leaders with an interest in Bible Training.
So far it seems to be going well- with good response and lots of interest- Please pray that it continues to go well and that we would all grow closer to Jesus as we study together!!

4. Our vehicles--- are still in insurance and registration limbo... Our donated 1991 Ford explorer 4x4 (needed for the roads down here-- ask someone who's been here!!) is in process of getting imported. Hopefully it will be done by this weekend, because it is supposed to rain here this weekend and everythign stops without a 4x4 here...
Our van has Mexican Plates, but we are working on getting the proper Mexican and US insurance on it. That is tough enough when you come from provinces with "Plate Insurance" that is automatic when you get your license plates... but even more so when you are trying to get insurance that is good for 2 countries and do so in your second language (I don't quite have my "insurance Spanish" perfected yet- but am improving...). As in most things here-- it will be done "MaƱana" (Literally "tomorrow"", but in reality only means "not today!) Please pray that this gets done quickly- as we have been "borrowing" a YUGO vehicle with a bad transmission. It is costing us 10 cents// Mile and has been since August 22nd-- when my Saskatchewan plates expired.

Thanks for your prayers and partnership!



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