Friday, September 14, 2007

Medical Missions

It seems to be a recurring theme this last while- Medical needs...

Last week I took Pastor Daniel in to an eye Doctor to have him look at Daniels cataracts. Daniel has been waiting for 3 years to get his eyes done as they progressively got worse. He could no longer see well enough to drive or work much and they had been living off of very little income. Last spring he asked me for a large print Bible because he could not read his with the print so small. He then went on to tell me about his cataracts and how it was very very expensive to fix- $700.00. Which may be close to a few months income for them. No way he could afford it.

I mentioned this need in Canada at Little Woody Baptist church and a lady came up to me afterward and said that she could pay for his surgery- well, last Friday was surgery day. It was somewhat marred because Dolores, his wife, had a horrible toothache. The cost to get one pulled was between $35 and $50 US- too much for them to afford- especially after the medication.

I bought her some new medication and it helped- but today she is in pain again and needing it to be pulled soon...

While in the Colonias we heard of a young guy- 16 years old- who is the single breadwinner of his home. He broke his collarbone at work the other day. they cannot afford to go to a doctor. So what do they do? he can't work- and if he doesn't work - they don't eat...

Another little girl has some issues with her legs and is in need of crutches. She has been in need for months or years and finally, in the mail this or next week, will come the crutches she needs to be able to rehabilitate and be somewhat mobile.

Another lady is in need of medical work- and still another has a severe tear duct blockage which has resulted in a bad eye infection. She has found someone to help pay for her surgery- about $300.00 and so she'll be better soon...

The needs are huge- and this is only in one small church of about 35 people in one community!! It can be overwhelming at times to see the great needs and our limited resources.

As I finish re-reading my post I realize this... It looks kind of like a psalm in a way. At once I am lamenting the overwhelming needs of my friends and their friends, but as well I'm inadvertently sharing the blessings of God's provision of resources for others! The needs are huge, but our God is bigger! Please pray with us for the folks who have not yet had their Medical needs cared for- ask that He would be their provider!

And if you happen to know of anyone who has the abilities to doctor, nurse or dentist- Pray that they would be moved to lend their skills in service of the poor!!

God bless you all- thank you for your partnership with us...

Sharlene comes home tonight.... Praise God!

Until next time,

Mike for the family...

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