Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Summer's Report

Hello Again!

I trust your summer is going well and you've been enjoying the weather. It has been a couple of years since we had a real summer in Saskatchewan, so this one has been nice- Very Nice!

We spent 2 weeks speaking in Bible Camps. I ( Mike) was particularly nervous about this because, although I've directed lots of kids camps, I'd not been speaker to the little guys ( 7-12 year olds). It was quite a challenge coming up with material, but God was very faithful and often just a few minutes before speaking I would have another idea on how to present something. It seemed to be well received by the kids, and God was active in hearts too. At Silver Birch we saw 13 kids make decisions for Jesus- 6 of them for the first time. At Timber Bay we saw 11 decisions to turn away from sin and follow Jesus- all for the first time.

I spoke on the severity of sin and it's repercussions and the need to turn away from it to follow Jesus. We shared about the Old Testament sacrifice system and then the perfect sacrifice of Jesus to take away the sins of the world. I also challenged them to count the cost of following Jesus- it's not an easy-breezy life- it is literally warfare. I could see some wanting to follow, but unwilling to count the cost. We'll continue to pray for those guys and girls as they consider Him this year.

It was once again brought forward to me in a realistic way the need for missionaries in our own Native Communities- as many of the kids in Timber Bay were going home to no church and no missionaries to encourage them- and very few true believers in their village. Pray that those who have decided to follow Jesus would remain strong! Maybe some day we can bring a team of Mexican believers up to see the need and perhaps God will call them to be missionaries to Canada!

As of today we have 1 week left to have our support levels raised to adequate levels to move to Mexico. we are still short about $400.00 in monthly committments- though we have regularly received that amount aside from signed committment cards.

As of today we have signed committments of $1445.00 / month. We are needing $1800.00 to go on the field right away and will need $2650.00 by February to pay additional Health Insurance and Ministry Expenses.

Would pray that God would supply our needs? Would you also ask if God is asking you to partner with us to reach Mexicans with the Gospel of Jesus, to make disciples who make disciples?

Thankf for your prayers and your partnership!

God Bless-

Mike and Sharlene

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