Sunday, August 27, 2006

At this rate... we'll be there by December!


What a day.

We had an interesting night last night. Almost all of our stuff was moved out by 8pm... including all of our beds and air mattresses. The boys slept together on the floor upstairs, while Shar and I shared the couch (new renters couch...) and she rotated to the floor on occasion. It was not a nigh characterised by restfulness!

This morning found the boys and I in church as I gave one last shot with Bandido Vaquero Miguel ( my VBS character- I was the MC...) I'll post some pics later when we're in Mexico- I can't find the USB cord for the camera... That went well and then off to finish packing.

By the time we got the cartop carrier- the bike rack and the trailer hooked on, I was driving with about 3 inches clearance from the towball to the ground. With the ducktape firmly in place on the trailer, we proceeded to venture off into the relatively unknown.

About 25km into the Journey- just outside saskatoon, the tire on the trailer BLEW! brand new tire... so we know that the trailer is too heavy for the tires. We have pics of that too!!

After all was said and done it was 4:30pm, our trailer now had a 10-20 year old cracked replacement tire on it- which didn't matter- even new 6 ply tires weren't good enough- we proceeded to the nearest Motel 6 where we gathered ourselves, swam in the pool and strategised for tomorrw. It changes our plans considerably, but that's ok. "The Lord Directs (our) paths."

Tomorrow we get a uhaul trailer and sell the 40 year old trailer (for scrap?)

By the time we get a new trailer, ditch the old one and tranfer the stuff, we hope to make a break for the border and be in Havre, Montana tomorrow night.

Y'know what the really amazing part is?

Today as I'm leaving church, a lady we've met maybe twice come sup to us and hands me a check for $500.00.

The cost of a Uhaul trailer and an unexpected nights stay at a motel?


Jehovah Jireh- Our provider....!!!

God is always good- all the time!

Thanks for reading,

Leave a comment!!

Mike, Shar and boys...

1 comment:

Tim and Annalisa Sawatzky said...

What a rough start. I guess God's got you where He wants you now. In full out trust Him mode! Wow! You guys can do this...we know you can.

Praying for you,