Sunday, October 07, 2007

Washing Cat, Caleb day...

Here are some pics

Rosie the Boy Cat has fleas... He seems to have them so bad, that he is scratching around his neck so much that he's been drawing blood!! We took serious action and Shar washed the kitty in flea shampoo while I helped (by taking pictures for posterity sake...) It actually went quite well, even though Shar disagreed with my preferred method of rinsing the cat off via the "Swirly" method... we opted for pouring water on him- He responded with a desperate, pathetic, howl of protest...

He still has fleas...

We celebrated "Caleb Day" last Sunday afternoon. Caleb has his birthday in the summer and this summer we were in Canada, in between camps. We had an rhubarb crisp with a sparkler in it in Turtleford, SK, but for some reason, he wanted to celebrate with other kids too!

So we decided to have a "Caleb Day" which happened to fall on the same day as another Missionary kids birthday, so we celebrated both! We had 18 people over (4 adults) and whacked a piñata, played some games and ate cake, Carne Asada and Chips. It was a good Caleb day!

Here is Caleb and Ethan (the other Birthday boy) with the severed head of the Spiderman Piñata. Cute!

Caleb and his Caleb Day cake!

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