By the time it gets to us- it has 45mph winds (70km/h) with higher gusts occasionally. It whips up a ton of dust and smoke (from wildfires) and sends them our way!
Here is a pic of our "BaƱo". We just gave the bathroom a really good cleaning yesterday and here's what it looks like halfway through today... Apparantly someone had neglected to put a TP roll on the dispenser...
This floor had been swept 3 times before this--- After this one we duct-taped the door cracks to prevent this amount of dust from coming in!
This is supposed to last until sunset tomorrow night--- It is very reminiscient of a Saskatchewan snow storm- with the sounds of winds buffeting the house, all of the windows closed, the day is darker and we're all huddled inside the house because to go outside is a bit unpleasant-- not cold, mind you, but unpleasant in a sand-blasting sort of way!!
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