Saturday, October 20, 2007

Class Pictures

A little while ago I had one of our YUGO Missionaries come out with me to the class to take some pics so I could post some on the blog- and then for a potential Prayer Letter as well... here are some of those pics!

This is a picture of the front of the church we are using to teach the classes in-- it is in a Colonia called "Rojo Gomez" after the guy who owned the land and subdivided it to start this neighbourhood.
Pastor Javier and his wife Odillia lead this church and attend the classes...

This is a picture of the class as we worship together at the beginning. I love signing with these folks- no instruments- just vibrant, heartfelt singing and worshipping!

Here I am with Juan, my translator

Here is a class picture with 25 students of the class (out of about 30). They have their Bible's and Workbook... a great bunch!

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