Saturday, July 14, 2007

Visiting Prince Albert

To catch you up, we spent almost 2 weeks in Prince Albert at our friends the Sauers place, speaking at Scarborough Baptist church on the one Sunday we were there. They have 3 kids about the same age as ours and it was a really good time for all of us.
On Canada day mommy and daddy sauers went tohelp their grandma move in Melfort area. So Shar and I had all 3 of our kids, all three of theirs plus their 16 year old Japanese Exchange student! After church we went home and relaxed and then went to the riverfront for the Canada day celebrations. They were supposed to have some ethnic food booths as this was being put on by the multicultural society in Prince Albert. Praise God for filipino people, because without their booth it would have only been hot dogs, hamburgs and bratwurst! So some of us consumed copious amounts of bbq'ed filipino pork on a stick and tiny little egg rolls as we listened to the Country Music bands play all afternoon.
When our Eastern Canadian and Mexicanized ears could no longer stand the endless songs about lost dogs, bad trucks and old girlfriends, we decided it was time to go home and get ready for the fireworks.
Because it stays light out so late here, the fireworks did not start till 10:30pm- so we popped popcorn, got some drinks, bug sprayed us all up and went to the north side of the river (where it is less busy) to be patriotic by watching people blow things up!
We found a good spot- but the access to the river was cordoned off with a yellow caution line and there were some other guys behind the line with a large truck and trailer. Soon the firetruck came. The kids loved that- even shareing their popcorn with the firemen... we looked closer-- we were about 50-75 feet away from the spot they were setting the firerworks off!! talk about front row seats!
It was, without a doubt, the loudest place to watch them! They all blew directly overhead! It was an exceptionally memorable show!

We all survived and after a few minutes we could all hear again :) . The rest of the week went well as we played, celebrated Matthew Sauers birthday with him, talked late into the night and just enjoyed each others company...

Thank you sauers for a great visit!!

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