Saturday, July 14, 2007

Silver Birch Bible Camp, Loon Lake, SK

After Prince Albert we went to Martensville Baptist Church where we got a chance to speak. They are our sending church here in SK and have been great partners in Ministry! We had a really good time reaquainting ourselves with the folks and sharing the vision for Ministry! Lots were interested in sponsoring kids for school and cleaned us out of pictures. Some are just going to send in money for sponsorships in case there are others who need it! Others decided to partner with us regularly and still others are wanting to come down and assist the ministry in Mexico! Some of the folks in the church have even started a cookbook that they will sell with proceeds going to Grace Children's Home in Tijuana!

Good folks!!

So now we just finished a week at Camp in Loon Lake. We had about 55 kids at camp and a really good staff too. Shane Schiele directed and I spoke. I spoke on following Jesus and what it does and doesn't mean to follow Him. On Wednesday I talked about Jesus sacrifice on the cross for our sins and gave them a chance to respond. 3 decided to follow Jesus for the first time and 15 rededicated their lives to Him! Praise God!
Later in the week we spoke about missions- that following Jesus includes being missions-minded- either by going or by supporting those who go- we had 3 surrender to Jesus for Missions and about 8 say that they will stay home and pray for and support missionaries. For most it was the first time realizing that half of our world cannot even call on Jesus for salvation because they don;t know His Name, or enough about Him to understand why He died for us!
We also saw some slides of Mexican bugs and a video about our ministry in the poor areas of Tijuana and we talked about following Jesus meaning that we will be people who love the poor and who also love those whom others do not- and they could start that at school, at home or at the playground.
Thursday night we had a campfire and about 30 kids gave testimony to how God had spoken to them that week-- It was a great week--Praise God!!

And now we are in Turtleford (Camp ended in Loon Lake Friday night, I preach here tomorrow and camp starts Sunday afternoon) readying ourselves for one more week at camp!

Thank you for praying for us- God is using us to show Himself to kids! He is calling people to Follow Him and we are thankful!! As our partners, this is your ministry too! May God bless you for your partnership!!

Untiul Next time,
Mike for the family

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