Saturday, July 28, 2007

Timber Bay Bible Camp

Our last week of camp speaking is over...

It was an interesting week. Usually in NCEM's camps for First Nations kids, they have very few registrations and lots of walk-ons... this year was very different! We had 11 registrations and 11 kids at camp! We had way more staff than campers, but it was a good week nonetheless.

By Thursday I was zonked... Altogether I spoke 32 times in 3 weeks and I was just spiritually and emotionally spent. I was asked to do the devotional for thursday morning and Wednesday night I got back to our room and zoned out staring into nowhere for a while when I remembered I had to come up with a devotional!! Ahhh!! I was spent- nothing left in the tank... spiritually exhausted... when the idea came to me to have a devotional on spiritual weariness! The Lord was good and showed me some stuff really quickly do I could get some rest and it was a blessing to me and hopefully to the staff as well!

By weeks end we did not have any publicly come forward to accept Jesus or decide to Follow Him, no other major public decisions, but the Word went out and it will be interesting to see someday the fruit of the labour!

Tomorrow I preach in North Battleford at Trinity Baptist Church and then off to Calgary for next week for some much needed family time and a Dr.'s appointment for Shar's hip ( and hopefully a surgery date) and next Monday Aug 6th, we fly back to Mexico... it will be very nice ot be home!!

We just found out today that they cut off our phone this month. In Mexico, you need to pay all of your bill by the due date or they cut off your phone right away. I prepaid for July, so likely the fellow who is watching our house made a long distance call or two and we probably owe 50 cents or a dollar. Friends are going to the TelNor store Monday to see what they can find out!!

Please pray as we drive across the prairies on Sunday/Monday. We've run into an issue with our rental car (We can't return it satu. or sun. because it's closed, so we need to come back to s'toon sunday night to return it monday morn!!) Please pray that it all works out and that our needs will continue to be met on this trip!!

God bless until next time!,


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