Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Leaders Meeting part 2

Last Thursday we had our Pastors Trianing meeting to give all the information out and get any questions- but we did not have everyone out to that meeting. So we decided to meet atain on Monday (last night).

This time Pastor Juan came out on the bus to our place to spend the day with us before hand. He had just bought a computer and wanted help with it. We looked at his very old laptop which didn't work so well and encouraged him to get his money back- Because I could get a better one for him in the US when I return. Then we went for tacos. Anyday with tacos is a good day!

We went over lots of questions people were having about the application and then ventured out to the East TJ Colonias for the meeting. This time we had a guide, so we were early. The 6:00 meeting did not start until 6:45. We had 3 different people come out and a few of the others from last week who wanted help filling out applications. We talked, and laughed and ate frituras (deep fried wheat wheels) and got the information we needed passed on. One pastor couple are looking at bringing up to 4 others from their church out as well, so the number is up to around 20 people- about half are pastor couples and half are church leaders.

They all seem very excited to get going in September- This is going to be a learning experience for all of us. The people are gracious and hungry to know more of Jesus. I'm looking forward to learning more with them!

On a side note, I had a good chance to talk to Pastor Juan about Mexico and Mexican culture and the situations that people find themselves in over in the area we are serving. There are quite a few "single moms" there in that Colonia. It turns out that many of the fellas are either in jail, drug or alcohol addicted or have been cheating and so are off at a girlfriends place now. So I wondered out loud how single moms with 2, 3, 4, 5 survive?
Sometimes, the moms need to give their children up to an orphanage so they can work. Some take the kids back on weekends, some don't.
Sometimes the moms don't work because they don't want to give their kids up- so they survive on Mexican Welfare which is $25.00/ week. They live in ramshackle squatters homes on government land, steal power from the overhead lines and eat only beans, rice and tortillas- as long as they have some.
Now many of these kids are ones who we want to find sponsors for so they can go to school. It costs $100/ year to outfit the kids for school. Which is about 1 months wages / kid on a less than subsistence budget.

Please check out below for some pics of some of these kids- don't let the nice clothes fool you. Becaus eof the proximity to the border there are literally tons of used clothing coming into the area for free distribution- so they look nicely dressed, but it does not mean the same thing as it does in US or Canada!

If you are interested in Sponsoring a kid or 2 for school (About $100.00/ child/ year) please let me know- or contact YUGO Canada at the address on the side bar!

We leave for Canada tomorrow with mixed feelings. We love Mexico and are eager to get busy with the work of training pastors, but are excited about reconnecting with Partners and friends- and speaking at camps- and getting new hips (ok 1 new hip- that one was from Shar)!

Please pray for travel safety and as we connect in churches that we would find more people to partner with us in ministry! We need some additional regular support in order to allow us to stay on the field, training church leaders to impact lives in Mexico and beyond!

Blessings until next time,


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