Saturday, March 05, 2011

March Prayer Letter

McDonald's in Mexico

301 W. 28th Street, Suite L

National City, CA


Dear Partners in Ministry,

Thank you so much for your partnership with us in this ministry! It has been a blessed month as we continue the ministries that we are so fortunate to be a part of.

Bible College

I've been teaching twice down in Ensenada at the Calvary Chapel Bible College. I thoroughly enjoy this ministry and look forward to my twice weekly trips down there. I've been teaching Galatians on Wednesdays and James on Fridays. I'm also a part of the "Disciplemaking" course as a mentor to the student leaders. That ministry has been an incredible blessing for the school. Leaders are being trained and students are having a place to work through the inevitable issues that come up as the follow Christ. We are seeing much growth and good fruit in this ministry.

I also teach at the extension College here in Rosarito where we live. I've been teaching James there as well to 7 students. All the classes are either at night or saturday morning at the extension college. It is an interesting dynamic there with a good cross section of ages and length of Christian experience.

My other teaching assignment right now is doing the missionary training for 3 new YUGO Missionaries. We will be going over such topics as Cross Cultural Communication and Cross Cultural Servanthood. The hope is to prepare these new missionaries for a long term of fruitful service here in Mexico. One of the students, Kristy Struska, is also making a video of the training so that we can offer it to other incoming missionaries in a DVD format.

Home Assignment

Thank you for praying for our home assignment plans. We are continuing to fill the calendar with speaking opportunities. We have plenty of dates open as well! please let us know if you'd like to have us share in your church, youth group, home group or even just one on one over coffee! God has been doing some amazing things here in Mexico and we'd love to share some of those stories with you!

We are planning on Flying back to Canada around June 21. That gives us plenty of time to try to finish the Homeschool year here and get us back in time to start our camping ministry in July. Flight prices have gone down to a reasonable price for that time lately. Unfortunately our "reserve" account for such expenses as that has run dry! If you could be in prayer for these aspects of our finances, we'd be grateful! We need to buy tickets ($1000 for 5 one-way flights right now) as well as a good, reliable van for driving across the country pulling a borrowed tent trailer this summer. Thanks for your prayers!

Future Ministry Update

We are becoming more convinced that God is calling us to work with the Calvary Chapel Bible College in Ensenada in an almost full-time capacity. We would also still be working with the Pastor and Leader Training Ministry as well, but in more of a support / administrative role. I'd like to train one of my current teachers to take over my role in a full-time capacity as this ministry grows exponentially. Please pray for the finances to do that and the wisdom we need to pass off this aspect of the ministry so that it thrives.

Please also pray for the necessary steps that need to take place within YUGO to make this happen. Pray that we would have unity of vision and wisdom on how to administrate this change.

Prayer Updates

  • Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for our finances. Moving back to Canada will be a significant expense.
  • Please pray for our future ministry direction, that we would have the mind of Christ.
  • Please pray for the ministry, that it (esp. the pastors and leaders training) would thrive while we are on home assignment.
  • Safety- that God would continue to keep us safe as we serve in a dangerous area.
  • Adjustments- that we would adjust well to life back in Canada.
  • That God would be glorified in our lives and in our service to Him.
  • For a great bunch of students.
  • For the faithfulness of the students and teachers of the Pastors and Leaders Training ministry
  • For all of you and the important part you play in prayer and/ or financial support! We could not be here without either of those!
Thanks again for all you do! We are looking forward to reconnecting with as many of you as we can!
May God bless you!

In Jesus name,

Mike, Shar, Elijah Caleb and Jacob McDonald

301 W.. 28th St. Suite L

National City, CA


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