Sunday, February 13, 2011

McDonald's in Mexico

301 W. 28th Street, Suite L

National City, CA


February, 2011

Dear valued partners in Ministry!

Thanks so much for your partnership with us in this ministry, God has been blessing us and continues to take care of us in this place!

La Paz Vision Trip

We had our trip down to la Paz, and if you'd like more detailed information on how that went, you can follow our blog at .

Our basic conclusion has been that it is a place with a definite need for more churches. There is 1 church for every 10,000 people- which is considered underreached. The Christian population is about 3% of the whole. This is also considered underreached. But we still do not believe that God has called us to church plant, although we see the need and would like to help to fill that need, God seems to be keeping us from doing so and leading us still in the area of teaching and training pastors, leaders and future church planters and missionaries.

There is a missionary down there that has shown some interest in teaching and training the pastors and leaders. He is currently discussing things with his church leadership. The Alliance of Pastors in La Paz are meeting on Feb 14 to discuss the interest that churches, pastors and leaders may have in taking this type of training. It seems that God may be moving to provide training down there without us having to be physically present. Praise God!

The drive down and back was great and unenventful until the last 160 KM... We blew a headgasket and overheated the engine (heat gauge didn't work either, it seems). Thankfully we broke down in the daytime on an area where there was a shoulder to pull over onto safely. There are hundreds of kilometers on that trip where there is no shoulder- only mountain on the one side and 3 foot drop off (at best) or cliff (at worst) on the other side.

We broke down in a place where there was no cell service and only a couple people stopped. We eventually let the engine cool down enough to drive to a place where we could get cell service and call for help. That is usually a bad thing to do, but stuck on a highway all night in Mexico is worse! So off we went. A fellow YUGO Missionary (Ron Struska) came to pick us up with the car dolly and got us back home safely. I just got the van back this week after almost 2 weeks in the shop with a bill of $630! Not bad for a 3/4 rebuilt engine, but please pray that all of our other needs will be met this month as well!

Home Assignment

Things are starting to shape up for Home Assignment time. We have camp speaking engagements in Turtleford, SK, Swan River, MB, Big River, SK and Mossbank, SK for most of July until the first week of August. We will do some church speaking on weekends and I am hoping to be able to officiate at a wedding at an MK from down here in Alberta nearing the end of August. After that we will be going to Ontario for a month or so to connect with supporters and family back there and then back West to spend the fall connecting with supporters and serving in churches in whatever way is needed.

If you'd like to have us speak at your church or home group- we will be available in Ontario from around Aug. 25- Sept 25 (depending on engagements).

We will be free in Western Canada from Oct. 1- Dec 15 or so if you'd like to have us by to share about what God has been doing in Mexico.

Future Ministry Plans

We are still praying about what God would have for us when we return to Mexico. It seems likely that we will be staying in this area and working at least part-time with our current group of pastor's and leaders and their classes. I will probably shift down to an administrative and support role as they grow the ministry and serve other communities. I'm hoping to be able to train one of current graduates to take over the majority of my work and to raise sufficient support for him to dedicate himself fulltime to administrating, teaching and supporting the teachers.

The Calvary Chapel Bible Institute in Ensenada has asked me to consider coming on full or 3/4 time as a teacher, counselor and promoter of the school in Canada and Mexico. I have come to really appreciate the ministry at the college and the quality of students that come through there. We are praying about this opportunity and are open to God's guidance.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for our finances. Moving back to Canada will be a significant expense.
  • Please pray for our future ministry direction, that we would have the mind of Christ.
  • Please pray for the ministry, that it (esp. the pastors and leaders training) would thrive while we are on home assignment.
  • Safety- that God would continue to keep us safe as we serve in a dangerous area.
  • Adjustments- that we would adjust well to life back in Canada.
  • That God would be glorified in our lives and in our service to Him.
  • For safety on our vision trip to La Paz
  • That some have shown an interest in teaching and training there.
  • For the 26 students at the Bible Institute (in our 3rd year)
  • For the faithfulness of the students and teachers of the Pastors and Leaders Training ministry
  • For all of you and the important part you play in prayer and/ or financial support! We could not be here without either of those!

In Jesus name,

Mike, Shar, Elijah Caleb and Jacob McDonald

301 W.. 28th St. Suite L

National City, CA


619-400-3326 (US home number)

Send Canadian Donations to:

YUGO Canada

PO Box 231

St. Albert, AB

T8N 1N3

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