It has been a good year for us despite some of the challenges that have come our way. We are reminded of the hope that we find in the Scriptures that All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.
I am blessed to say that we Love Jesus and still sense an overwhelming call to serve Him and his people, wherever He leads us.
After the death of my brother Donny, the YUGO board suggested we take a few days off to strengthen ourselves again and get some rest. We had obligations to fulfill up till the end of this week and so after that we are going to take the kids to the mountains in search of some snow for them to play in for a few days! Please pray for snow, as it's been a bit warm in the mountains the last few days and most of the snow has melted!

Ministry has been going well. I was at the graduation of the Men's School of Ministry at Calvary Chapel, Rosarito (where we attend.) It was a time of encouragement to see these fellas, most of whom have been rescued from some pretty horrible life situations, take more time to prepare themselves for whatever God has in store for them!

Family life is progressing as well!

Jacob is our soccer man. He seems to live and breathe "futbol". Jacob participates on a team here in Rosarito- "Club Atlas". They practice 3 days a week for 2 hours at a time. Mondays they get to practice on a real grass field, but the last half of the practice it gets dark. It becomes difficult to distinguish which shadows are your team!
Jacob struggles with asthma, but Praise God, we were able to see an asthma specialist in California last month and she is helping us to get control so he is able to play without incident!

Caleb is our resident music man. He and Sharlene have been taking guitar lessons for about 3 months for an hour a week. I'm amazed on how quickly he has picked up learning to read music and find the notes on the guitar. He practices willingly (and sometimes incessantly) and has learned 3 songs by heart ( jingle bells, Twinkle twinknle, ode to Joy) and has almost mastered "o come all ye faithful". He bought the guitar with his own money saved from Christmas and birthday and his weekly chores. I can see this being a passion for him for years to come.

Elijah loves to read. We had a time where we weren't to the library for a few months. Elijah refers to these as the "dark ages". He will regularly take out 10-15 books and finish them all before they are due again in 3 weeks. His other main activity, besides researching stuff he finds interested on the internet, is Tae Kwon Do. Elijah has his yellow-green belt and has been progressing well and rapidly over the last 8 months.

All of our boys are homeschooled which they alternatively like and dislike, depending on the day (and sometimes the hour). We are blessed that Sharlene is home to be able to school them and we see them regularly growing in stature and in wisdom and in favour with God and man. God has been actively working in their lives and we have been able to witness their growth in Christlikeness over the years.
We thank God for each of you and how you have supported us in prayer and finances over the years we have been here in Mexico! We believe that God is being glorified as we see Churches strengthened, people saved, Disciples being made and people sent out in ministry! May God bless each of you as you place treasures in heaven by faith!
We could not be here without you!
Merry Christmas,
Mike, Sharlene, Elijah, Caleb and Jacob McDonald
1 comment:
Praying for a joyous Christmas season for you and your family and that God will continue to bless your work there for Him.
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