This is a brief testimony of one of our national pastors- Abellino Jacome. Abellino has started an open-air church (meaning no walls nor roof) in his neighbourhood on a borrowed piece of land. Each Sunday he preaches to a few people in the seats in front of him and (thanks to a donated sound system from a church in Swan River, MB) to a plethora of people in the hills around him as well! He seems to meet people all the time who say-- I know we don't come down to the church on Sundays, but we want to- for now we're listening every Sunday and God is speaking to us!
Please pray for Abellino and his family- espescially his wife Mirellya. She has been in poor health for 4 years.
Que dios les bendiga .
May God bless you.
Mi nombre es Abelino Jácome Ochoa.
My name is Abelino Jácome Ochoa
Mi esposa Mireya blanco de Jácome nuestros hijos son…
My wife is Mireya blanco de Jácome and our children are:
Kenia yareli Jácome blanco 16 años.
Abel de Jesús Jácome blanco 9 años.
Kevin Abel Jácome blanco 8 años.
Ángel de Jesús Jácome blanco 6 años.
Esta es mi familia que dios ha puesto en mis manos pero ahora dios ha puesto más familia de la cual yo tengo que guiar aconsejar instruir a través de la palabra de dios.
This is my family that God has placed in my hands. But God has given me more family than that! Those whom God has given me to guide, counsel and instruct through His Word.
Mi vida sin Cristo era un caos siempre con muchos problemas sin tener en quien confiar verdaderamente, hubo un momento que vivimos mi esposa y yo muy difícil en el cual ya no mirábamos otra solución y creíamos que separarnos seria lo mejor , sin importarnos que pasaría después pero gracias a dios que ella lucho contra todo cuando conoció a Cristo Jesús ……
My life without Christ was one of constant chaos, with many problems and without anyone to truly trust. There was one very difficult time that my wife and lived through. We didn't see any other solution except to get separated, regardless of the the consequences. But Thanks to God that Mirellya found Jesus Christ and began to fight against the idea of getting separated.
Y dios comenzó a enseñarnos que había esperanza si confiábamos en el ,ella comenzó primeramente a caminar en el camino de dios y luego dios me alcanzo a mi aunque me puse un poco difícil al principio, pero ahora la palabra de dios me ha enseñado que Satanás vino a robar a matar y a destruir pero Cristo vino a buscar y a salvar lo que se había perdido y darle vida, ahora se que Cristo es el camino es la verdad y es la vida ………
God begain to teach us that there was hope and we both put our trust in Him. My wife did first, and later God reached me. It was a difficult walk at first, but now the word of God has taught me that we have an enemy who wants to steal, kill and destroy our lives and that Jesus has come to seek and save those who were lost and give them life! Now I know that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life!
Gracias a dios que ahora puedo compartir este testimonio con ustedes . porque todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece……
I thank God that I can share this testimony with you today! Because I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Hace aproximadamente como 4 años que a mi esposa los médicos le dijeron que solo le quedaba una semana de vida, después de una cirugía en el corazón dieron ese diagnostico …. Pero ese dios que tu y yo servimos a tenido misericordia y hasta el momento la a dejado con nosotros ahora después de otra cirugía sigue la amenaza contra su vida ………
About 4 years ago, after my wife had had heart surgery, the doctors gave her one week to live. But this God that we serve had mercy upon her and she is still with us today even having come through another surgery (gallbladder) in these last few months! But her life today is still precarious.
Pero un día mi hermano Mike e Iván me dijeron si dios ya la ayudo otras veces puede volver a hacerlo, y nosotros seguimos adelante porque creemos que el es el que nos guía y nunca nos dejara solos. Y por encima de la tribulación y la prueba cuando nos damos cuenta que aun hay gente que les interesa saber de nosotros conocer de nuestra vida nos gozamos de poder compartir nuestras debilidades con ustedes , pero esta debilidad nos enseña y nos hace sentir fuertes en el señor para su honra y su gloria.
But one day, my brothers Mike and Ivan told me that God had healed her before and taken care of their financial needs, He can do it again. So we continued forward because we believe that He is the one who has been guiding and leading us and He will never leave us alone! Through all the tests and tribulations we relaize that there are even people who are interested in knowing about us and hearing about our lives it gave us joy to be able to share our weaknesses with you. But this weakness has taught us we can feel the strength of the Lord for His honour and His glory!
Por el momento es todo lo que puedo compartir de mi vida y mi familia les pido de su oración por el pueblo de dios y por todos los pastores.
For now this is all I have to share with you about my life and family. We ask for your prayers for God's people here and for all the pastors in the churches here.
Que el señor los bendiga.
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