Saturday, August 18, 2007

Electric Dia-Birria


We went to a friends house for a birthday party yesterday. Sofia is 6 years old. She has spina-bifida and so is confined to a wheelchair but that did not dampen spirits at all!

I have to say that it was, without a doubt, the most extravagant birthday I've ever been to- and these folks are quite poor! They live in a single-wide mobile home on the church property. They don't have a bathroom in their house- they use the churches, though. They must have been saving for months for this birthday party! There were about 40+ people there- (mostly kids) but adults hang out too at a kids party down here so we all stayed and chatted as the kids played on a "brincoline" (a bouncy-castle type thing) and beat the candy out of 4 pinatas. The last one was a hoot- because it seemed to be made from some sort of unbreakable space age material. After a very long time- candy came out 1x1 and 2x2 but the thing would not break completely! It must have been 45 minutes in total when the guy who was moving the pinata on a rope decided to bring it up and destroy it himself, only to find out that the tough "Barbie" candy box had yielded all of it's sweet contents in a trickle fashion over the course of time. This seemed to irk the kids because when he sent it down, they voraciously tore up and beat to smithereens the empty carcass of a pinata...

The next morning (about 1am) I awoke to some stomach renching pain. The only thing I can pin it down to was the Birria we had for supper at the party. I have no idea if that's what it was- but I thouroughly enjoy saying that I have "Dia-Birria"!!

Birria is a wonderful tasting dish of meat (chicken beef or goat usually- it was beef yesterday) simmered in a chile seasoned sauce. Afterward you put onions, cilantro and lime in the soupy mixture and eat it on a tortilla with rice and beans. It tasted great- and I really have no reason to blame it- but it's better than saying "I have an upset tummy".

We have electricity this afternoon. It went out at 7am and magically returned at about 2:30pm. Our neighbours across one road- all the way to YUGO ranch (10 minutes away) all were without power. The neighbours across the other road did not lose power at all... I found myself coveting their electricity... We certainly didn't want to clean out another fridge and freezer and all of it's yucky, spoiled contents again!! Thankfully, the power returned before anything was heavily damaged...

I'm hoping I feel much better tomorrow because we are going out to the Colonias in East. Tijuana to hand out backpacks, shoes and school supplies for the 65 or so kids that people have sponsored! Canadians sponsored 20 of them-- but for both Canadians and Americans, not everyone has sent their checks to the YUGO offices so we are having trouble paying for the tuition fees and uniforms until all of that comes in!! Canadians have paid for16 kids I believe- and there are 4 more that need moneys... Please pray that somehow it will all work out so that these kids can get to school- It starts Monday here in some colonias!!

Shar is off to Calgary on Thursday. Friday she goes for an internal Medicine report to see if she is healthy enough for surgery. Wednesday the 29th she goes for a teaching session designed to scare you out of having the surgery (just kidding) and then Sept. 5th is the day she becomes the Bionic Woman!! Please pray that all goes well!!

I need to go...uh...somewhere... quickly!

Until next time,


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