We had a great day today- went out to the Colonias- in East Tijuana where we'll be doing the Bible College-- it was good seeing the folks out we're going to be serving. We were helping out a school sponsorship program where we (actually many of you!! we had 20 sponsors from Canada!!) provided the tuition fees and school supplies and shoes (uniforms come later) for 65 kids who may not have been able to go to school otherwise!!
Lots of backpacks ready to be handed out!!
Kids Lining up!!
Impromptu Special number by Maricella, Pastor's wife at Misericordia Church- She and her husband and several leaders in their church will be in my classes!
This guy can't wait to get his new backpack and school supplies!
This was the first backpack handed out by Robb Hammond from Rock Harbour Church in Orange county. They sponsored 20 kids. Cindy Reid, Yugo Missionary and Program coordinator seeing the culmination of a lot of hard work!!
It was great and as anything in Mexico- it turned into a worship service with singing,a little preaching, some testimonies, some more singing, some more testimonies- even the little kids come up for testimonies!!
I got a chance to talk to Pastor Daniel (see picture below...) He will be one of my students in September,-- he is married with a couple kids- no Bible training at all and is starting to pastor a new church plant in an extremely poor community. He has severe cataracts and cannot see very well and has been unable to work a secular, paying job for quite some time. While I was in Canada I mentioned him in a message -just talking about one of the guys we know- and that how he was telling me how expensive his eye surgery would be- $700.00 for both eyes- more money than he has seen at one time in a long time- maybe never!!
Pastor Daniel and his wife ( with their 2 kids at a rare trip to the ocean...) on the left- they are both in my class-- Pastor Juan on the right is taking the class and translating for me at the same time!! (Their friend is in the middle- sorry don't know her name!!)
A lady came up to me after church and said if she figured that $700 would give a man his eyesight back- then certainly she could do without some things and pay for that instead. The money came in this week and I got to tell a man he'd be able to see again soon!
There were tears all around!
Thank you so much for praying! We had a rough start to today with the car and all - and that just topped off a pretty testing few weeks back- that and Shar and I had a "heated discussion" before going (and a bit during the car ride...) and I didn't really feel like going- but we did and it was wonderful to be a part of...
thank you for being a part of it too...
It reminded me of a scripture:
Matthew 11:4-6
4Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy[a]are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. 6Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."Thank you so much for partnering with us in Ministry- from Child sponsors, to the woman who gave for Daniels surgery, to the ones who pray for us regularly (and even irregularly), to the ones who give each month and those who give on occasion-- this is a part of the fruit of our service together in Mexico!!
Gracias and Gloria a Dios!!
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