She is in Calgary today (Wednesday Aug 29) and is heading to Stoney "something" Alberta tomorrow. Not sure if it's stoney plain or stoney valley or stoney soup or what- but I'm pretty sure it's stoney... (EDIT: Actually Spruce Grove... I has the "s" right- and the fact that it was two words...)
Anyway, she had 2 Dr. Appointments in Calgary in the last 6 days. One was a check to see that she is in good enough health to go into surgery and the 2nd (today) was to show her nice pictures and videos designed to educate and frighten. She also had another set of bloodwork done and is becoming familiar with the transit system in Calgary.
She stayed this last week with a friend of ours from Martensville Baptist Church who has moved to the big, oil-booming city of Calgary for work and excitement- Lisa Sawaztky. Shar has been having a good time hanging out with Lisa when she is home from work- it's been a good week for her, I think.
As of tomorrow she goes to that stoney place with Cheryl Hoople- a fellow missionary here in Mexico who is back in Canada doing some visiting and deputation and helping to care for Shar. They will hang around and go to a family reunion where Sharlene will pretend to be the cousin everyone forgot about (LOL!). It will likely be fun...
Then on September 5th, she will go back to Calgary for Surgery on her hip and will return to Mexico hopping and jumping for joy (ok- maybe not right away...) on Sept. 14th, after spending some time recuperating at a friends house in Ponoka Alberta. EJ Marois is a nurse and will be a great help!!
My mother will be coming out for about a month to help with things as Shar recuperates.
and now for something completely different...
An interesting thing.... you can see how many visitors this blog has had since last November on the counter to the left of this writing. If you click on that, you'll find that it will show where people come from- how long they hang around for (not always accurate) and how they got to the page.Lately I've had quite a few people hitting the blog as they look for "tostilocos" on google. It turns out that this site is 2nd and 3rd site someone sees on google when they type in that word. Just so you know- the tostilocos story is found here
Another Google hit that puts us up quite high is when people want to find out about the fast "food" place- McDonald's in Tijuana-- we're number 4 and 5... (incidently, a German friend of mine once told me that "fast" in German is translated to "almost" in english- Thus to a German who knows English- McDonald's confirms what we suspected- it's "almost food"....)
As for me and the boys- we are surviving without the Matriarch of the family... but just barely. :)
We eat regularly- and sometimes we even cook. The dishes get done every day (so far) and the fleas are gone... (Smart fleas...all of our blood probably tastes like peanut butter and honey nut cheerios!!). So while we are all awaiting Mommy's return, we are not so helpless as we once thought... our standards may have slightly changed, but we are well.
Thanks for reading,
until next time,