Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fall Plans

We are off to Canada in a Month (June 13th). We bought plane tickets last week and we fly into Edmonton on June 13th arriving at Edmonton Airport at midnight!

We will be going to Loon Lake, Swan River MB and Prince Albert SK the first couple weeks there. Then Shar goes for surgery while the boys and I go to Bible camps. I am speaking at 3 camps in Saskatchewan in July...

While we have our tickets, we don't yet have anything set for transportation. We have had a few people give some short-term offers and another with a promise to get something together for us if nothing else works out or to fill the gaps form the other offers and one person in Alberta with a vehicle, but not positive that they can part with it for the time we are there yet.

So please pray for those "up in the air" parts of our plans!


About a week ago I was in San Francisco, CA for training. I got into contact with a group that has material available for training pastors in the developing world. It is an incredible resource that enables African, Asian, and Latin American churches train leaders exponentially to meet the need in these fast growing areas of the Church! all across the developing world, people are coming to Christ faster than they can be discipled- the result is a need to have pastors and church leaders to be trained in God's Word so they can disciple the people responding to Jesus offer to pay the price for our sins, free from any of our own works!

The need is evident here in Mexico as we seem to have lots of small, struggling churches with Pastors and leaders eager to study God's Word!

Soon after I came to the final conclusion that this was what we were called here to do, I found this mission that offers low cost materials for training pastors

The next week I spoke to one of our fellow missionaries who works out in East Tijuana. She was saying that there was a US church that was looking for training for the pastors and churches they work with out in those Colonias. I told them about the training I was getting and it seems to be a good fit- so we have about 10 pastors and leaders ready and excited to take the equivalent of 1 years Bible College / Seminary Course in 20 months, 3 nights a week. The only text book they need is the Spanish NIV Study Bible and for each course they need a workbook.

The thought is that after taking the entire course, and a small training course, any of the Mexican pastors would then be qualified to teach the course to between 10 and 20 others. The training multiplies!

Please pray for us as we venture into this area. I need to improve in My Spanish a lot by then, and being in Canada won't help! I'm going to need to take some intensive, one week Spanish lessons in Ensenada. There is a cost of about $500 / week for these courses, or 30% less if I pay for 4 weeks up front.

We also need to raise an additional $300.00/ month for gas expenses to train the pastors in E. Tijuana. It is about a 100km round trip, 3 days a week. Please pray that God will provide those needs!

Thanks for Praying and being partners in this ministry. Your prayers and financial partnership are enabling the Mexican Church to be able to Disciple the many people who are responding to the Good News that we don't need to pay the price for our own sins, that Jesus paid the price with His death and beat sin and death with His resurrection!!

Together we are Discipling the Disciplers!!

God Bless,

Until next time,

Mike and Shar

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