Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Great Thaw....And 3 older guys...

I find myself amidst a veritable heat wave in Central Ontario. It is about 13C today as streets are turning into dirty pools that tempt you to go fast and splash the dog that is having a bacteria laden drink by the side of the road... It is spring in Wasaga Beach.

Wasaga Beach lies on the southern edge of Georgian bay and is subject to enormous amounts of lake-effect snow. When I arrived last friday there were 10 foot or higher snowbanks all around my moms parking lot. Some cottage owners at the beach front were surprised to see snow drifts that made it almost impossible to get in their front doors, had they been able to traverse the non-existent driveway at all. Less than a week of above zero temperatures and 2 days of +10C and above has caused water to run everywhere. And me without my rubber boots. My moms gonna kill me if I play in the puddles with my new shoes on...

I've had good opportunity to share the vision of training leaders in Mexico with plenty of folks. I have a few more appointments this week and I am preaching at our first church, Faith Evangelical Missionary Church in Wasaga Beach to report on what has been happening and encourage others to partner with us as we make disciples of church leaders.

Last Saturday night I went to my cousin Marty's house (whom I hadn't seen in 15 years or so...) He is married with 3 kids and is doing well living in Barrie Ontario. My uncle John, whose been a pastor or teacher for many many many many years (sorry uncle John...) and aunt Lorna were there with my dad. We had a good chance to catch up and share the vision and eat supper together. Marty's kids were putting on an impressive magic show when it came time for the last performance, which could only be viewed in their bedroom. They said that only 3 could fit in the room to watch and decided to split the group up. Pointing at my dad (who is old enough to collect a pension) my Uncle John (who is old enough to have been involved in ministry for many many many many many years (one more many for emphasis) and then me and my salt and pepper hair said "the three older guys can come first!"... 3 older guys!?!? These guys are both old enough to be my dad- and one of them actually is!!! How did Marty who is only a few years younger than me get out of this---- older guys?!?!? Well, we all hobbled over to the bedroom and watched an impressive display of bed to bed flippy-type acrobatics that made me feel...well... old...

Do they still make "grecian formula"??

Anyway- please continue praying that God would show us who he would have to be our partners here in Ontario. We still need to raise an additional $500.00/ month to be sure our health insurance is provided for starting next September.
Please also pray for Shar as she "single-mom's it" for another 6 days!

Thanks for partnering with us and praying with us- May God bless you,

until next time,

mike in Ontario


Lisa Sawatzky said...

I hope that everything goes well for you on your trip across Canada. I'm sure God has a great plan for you and your family and he will work everything out according to his plan.

Anonymous said...

Heee Heee Heeee !
Snow eh ! Heee ! Heee ! Heee !

Luv, Sharlene