Monday, December 04, 2006

Project Joy- YUGO's version of Operation Christmas Child

We had a great opportunity this weekend to help out an a "Project Joy". Our church, Grace Bible Church, in Lomas de San Antonio was the location for this project. What happens is YUGO partners an American or Canadian Church with a Mexican one in a needy area and the Mexican Church hosts the event, gets word out, and does alot of organizing of the event on our side of the border. What the American or Canadian Church does is collect the items for the shoeboxes ( good, new items- clothes, school supplies, small toys, toothbrushes etc.) and then they come down either as a group or with a small contingent of representatives to hand out their gifts to the kids of the neighbourhood. It is a blessing to the kids, because without these, they may not receive any gifts this Christmas. It is a blessing to the Mexican Church because it gives them the opportunity to reach their community. It is a blessing to the North American churh because they get to experience giving to some of the most needy in our area.

Our boys participated in some of the events and then did some of the helping out as well. It was a real blessing to be able to help. It was good for me to be seen at the church heling out, because many of the folks who were there were the same ones who see us at school dropping off and picking up kids. I've wondered who they thought we were or what we are doing there, now most of them know and they all will by the end of the week! (the taco telegraph).

Thanks for browsing- Lots new on the site today- keep scrolling down. I finally figured out how to get video on this via I get unlimited videos and it's actually pretty easy to do, once you get the hang of it. Let me know if you want more info on that- no sense all of us going through the elongated learning process...

Until Next Time,

Mike for the McDonald's


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