I have a couple of collected thoughts and experiences I'd like to process with the blogosphere tonight...
We continue to struggle a bit with the whole school thing and the communication that happens (or mis-happens) there. Last friday was their rendition of "Mexican revolution Day". The grade 4-6 classes all dress in their school uniforms (of which there are 2 types, we only have the cheaper type- the other one consists of special track pants and jacket- that totals about $70 for each uniform / child...) or some period costume (some kids were dressed up with bullet straps across their chests (fake mostly) and sombreros etc. They were to march in downtown Rosarito.
We got as much info as we could muster, but it was not enough. We weren't able to participate because of the incorrect uniforms, so went to go see the parades... only we couldn't find them. We didn't have proper directions or misunderstood them. We drove around rosarito, occassionaly seeing kids dressed up in costume, but with no idea where they were coming from!
It will be nice when we can communicate fully. There has been progress though...
We invited a couple we know from church out to Sunday dinner. You should have sene the look on Jose's face when I told him we could get together at "Doce"(12:00 noon). It was 11:30 and he wa sshocked. Who on earth would eat at such a crazy hour- it's 2 hours before lunch! I immediatley saw his look and corrected myself by saying "Dos" (2:00pm)- the look of relief was evident on his face. So off we went for "Comida China" at 2pm (or so).
We actiually fared quite well in a conversation with this totally Spanish Mexican couple- finding out about work, family, homelife. It turns out that Jose is a "Sculptor" who carves concrete, granite, etc. He'll do whatever other work comes his way, but that's his trade.
I preached at the church a few weeks back. I was talking about Paul's secret to Contentment. In the message I used an illustration about contented cows (just like the carnation milk ad says...). Anyway, Solidad (the wife from the couple we were having dinner with..) says she liked the message, espescially the illustration. we laughed about it a while when Shar said (in English) to Solidad "Milk must make you contented too!" I "translated" for Shar and said (apparantly) "Do you make contented milk?" I turned about 5 shades of red when I realized what I had said--- To Solidad and Jose's amazement- "Your husbands turning pink!!!!" they said!
I think i accidently hired a gardener last weekend...
I was outside watering my palm trees and cacti and other trees when a forlorned looking man came walking up the hill. He almost walked by, but instead asked if he could do some work for a bit of money. I said he could weed and even out some ground outside the fence- He said he'd charge $6.00 for about half a days work. So we did some work together (kids included) hoeing, watering, collecting rocks as a water barrier around the trees. We had pancakes all together for breakfast too. after being about 2/3 finished Alphonse said he needed to go do some more work for someone else and may be back monday to finish it up. I offered him $10.00 if he stayed till it was done. So we finished about 12:30, I paid him a bit extra because of a fantastic job he did-well above what was expected and agreed upon, and he went off with the offer of another job from our landlady to lay concrete down for a driveway and a porch for us. He'd be back Wednesday. This Was Saturday all this happened.
Then at 8:30am today (Monday), Alphonse showed up for work at the house, but we were leaving. I figured he was going to form the driveway while we were gone, so we left him water and some food too.
When we came back home, our trees in the yard were all pruned, hoe'd with water gullies around them and even a bit landscaped- he had raked and collected stuff- he even made sure our garbage was picked up (it was a holiday- we didn't know they'd have pick-up!). I didn't ask for any of this work, but he still did it! We can't afford a Gardener! We don't need a gardener!
I may have to lay him off...
One thing we deal with here a bit is the question of giving money to people. There aren't many people begging here- but lots of people become part of the informal work sector. They'll dust your car in the border lineup, or kids will juggle balls, or adults juggling burning things in the intersections. Or an older man playing harmonica or guitar for coins, or a kid or adult packing groceries as volunteers (not paid by store) for tips.
We were in the line for the border today (for 2 hours and 20 minutes in 31C heat) when a fella came walking by- extremly unkempt with barefeet, no shirt and ragged hair. I began to pray- "God do you want us to give to this fella? - if so, bring him by". He walked beside the row next to us for about 20 cars then came back in our row. He came right to the car ahead of us- looked right through us and then went to another row. Then he came back to the car right behind us completely missing us.
next was an older man with a harmonica. Here in Mexico there is no social security or old age pension for folks. You work till you die, or have a family member take care of you. Some folks just can't work and just don't have someone to take care of them (kids in jail, addicted, in extreme poverty, early death etc.) so they guard cars in parking lots, play guitar/ harmonicas, pack groceries and sometime even beg as a last resort. This harmonica fellow came by and we gave him about 50cents, and another older woman came by, and we gave her 50 cents too. We talked about it, we debated internally and externally, we prayed... shouydl we or shouldn't we??? in the end our total giving for the day turned out to be $1.00. We were that concerned about only a buck?
So our pryaer now is that Jesus would give us wisdom to handle each case individually and that he would direct us to those we can help, knowing that although our resources are limited, they ar enot too limited for a little generosity...
I just want to leave you with a Scripture I read today and saw something new in the context...
Luke 12:22-34
Do Not Worry
22Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.
23Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.
24Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!
25Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life
26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
27"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 28If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! 29And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. 30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them. 31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.
32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. 33Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. 34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
I've preached on this passage, but missed the context of it. The last paragraph finishes off the context. Basically Jesus is saying - don't worry about your daily needs, your Heavenly Dad will take care of them if you are concerned about the things that concern Him in his world and in your own life... and- don't be cheap... give to the poor and God'll keep track of the books...
wel, thanks for sticking around this long... if anyone has any ideas what to do with Alphonse, I'd appreciate your insight!
God bless and Keep!
Until Next time,
Mike for the family...