Thursday, April 25, 2013

Perogies and Sausage Fundraiser!!

Hello friends!
Just a short reminder that we are having a perogies and Farmer Sausage fundraiser on May 10th!
It is at Martensville Baptist church-- 209 Centennial Drive North, Martensville, SK
Time: 5:00-8:00pm
Irvin Penner will be speaking and I will be there in spirit and on video!

We are raising money for our ministry here in Mexico-- these are the specific areas:
Mexican Youth Camp-- this is a camp that Mexican youth come and get trained in ministry and are sent out to churches to serve with youth, children and women's ministry. We need some help in offering scholarships to allow teens from our poorer churches to come and participate as well!
Pastor and Leader Training- This is our Bible Institute on wheels! Part of your donation will go towards helping pastors and church leaders be trained in a Bible Institute that comes out to their neighbourhood. We are praying for 100 graduates in this next generation!
Evangelism and Discipleship- This is a ministry of local Mexican missionary, Ivan Martinez. Part of your donation will go towards Ivan's ministry expenses as he is involved in ministry in prisons, with newly deported ex-gangsters and with pastors.
Pastors Benevolance-- We run into incredible needs with our pastors- mostly related to health concerns. Poverty affects peoples health and keeps them from receiving timely and adequate care. Many of our pastors sacrifice their own resources to help their people, we want to be able to give to the givers to lighten their load.
We are praying for $15,000 to cover this years ministry expenses-- Thank you for being a part of this ministry!! Please pray that God will supply these needs and if you can go, please come!

God bless,

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