Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer request

Hey folks!

Things have been going well this Spring. We had several groups and families coming down from Canada to spend a week or two with us in Ministry. It's been a blessing to watch God work in them and through them! The busy-ness, though, has brought with it quite a few extra expenses. That, coupled with lower than normal monthly support for the last 4 months, has depleted our "reserve account" which we use for ministry expenses and to fill in when monthly support is low.

So we need to ask you for prayer for our financial needs this spring!

Spring typically brings us some extra costs. We need to purchase our homeschool material for next fall (it's usually discounted in Spring!!) as well as renew our Mexican visas (We need to do this every year-- about US$400). This year we also need to renew our passports!

Would you please pray with us for these needs?

Thank you and God bless!!

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