Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cold in Arkansas

Just thought I'd give a small update on what's up right now-- I am in Fayetteville, Arkansas
I'm taking a course in Perspectives on the World Missions Movement. Overall it's been a good course with some good speakers. There are some new philosophies and thoughts that I'm having some issue with and and not quite ready to swallow- so it'll be good to chew on them and pray about them in the coming days...

I've picked up a nasty flu / cold. Lots of coughing, body aches and pains, headaches and dizziness and overall "blah" feeling. And just tonight I started with the sneezing and sniffling. I'm hoping it lets up some by Monday so I can go back to class refreshed (We have Sunday off).

I'm heading back home next week and we hope to take a day at the park after that to have some family time together.

If you are inclined to pray about my health, I'd appreciate that-- please also pray for Shar as she does the solo parent thing for almost 2 weeks.

I'm off to rest... God bless until next time.

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