Sunday, January 21, 2007

Praise and Prayer Update!


We want to thank you for partnering with us in prayer and support this past month! We sent an email out a few weeks ago and posted it on our blog saying that we had had a glitch in oursupport this last month. Thank you so much for praying. God has been faithful and His people have been generous. As of today (Saturday January 20th) we have raised enough to pay off the deficit in our account and we have received promises of support before the end of the month equalling $1000.00.

So, that means that we will have $1000.00 or so to live on for the
month of February (about 2/3 of our regular income).

Thank you so much for praying!! Praise God for His faithfulness!

Will you continue to pray with us that the remaining amount will be raised for us to have full salary this month? Will you also pray with us for a few more regular committed partners? Our Income
will need to increase in the following months to pay for Health Care costs, deputation costs and ministry expenses as we leave the Language Learning phase and enter the more direct ministry phase, likely after next summer.

We appreciate you! May God bless and keep you!

Your Missionaries in Mexico,

Mike, Sharlene, Elijah, Caleb and Jacob

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